Monday, April 6, 2009

The Bobble Head has been chosen

Bubba the Akita and I just got back from a press conference at the Holiday Inn Express downtown to announce the winner of the Valley Cat's weatherman bobble head contest. I am happy to say that Steve Caporizzo from WTEN won the voting so a bobble head of Steve will be produced and given away this summer.
Steve was competing against 3 other Capital Region weathermen for the honor of having bobble head made in his image. Voters could go online and pick their favorite. Each weatherman chose a their favorite charity and Steve chose us! That means that the Vally Cats gave us $500 plus tickets that we can sell as a fundraiser to a Valley Cats on August 12th. The contest was sponsored by the Holiday Inn Express. The bobble heads will be given out at the Valley Cats game on August 22nd.
At the press conference Steve Caporizzo surprised everyone when he announced that The Pet Connection was going to give an additional $1,000 to the Humane Society to support our programs. As if that wasn't enough, Steve and the Pet Connection are going to purchase an additional 500 bobble heads to sell as a fundraiser for homeless animals.
The event was a lot of fun. One of our orphaned dogs, Bubba, was there and did a great job. Everyone loved him and he showed off how well he sits and shakes hands (with both paws). Hoprefully in addition to all of the great support we've gotten, Bubba will find a home.